Visualise you Tunes with Code

Create musical visualisations using coding with Javascript

Have you ever seen those hypnotic images that move and pulsate to the beat of the music? In this session, learn how to create your own visualisations and use them to enhance the enjoyment of your tunes!

Table of Contents

  1. Create musical visualisations using coding with Javascript
  2. The P5 coding environment
  3. How digital sound works
  4. Coding
  5. Challenges
  6. Reference


This activity is suitable for kids aged 10+ or adults with some experience of coding with any text-based language (e.g. Python or Javascript). Some of the coding concepts may be complex, but sample code is provided which will allow less experienced students to experiment with just minimal code changes.

It will take approximately 2 hours to complete the activity. On completion there are additional activities for the more curious students.

No special equipment is needed - just your computer with internet access.

In this activity...

Here's an example of the sort of thing we will create:

Table of Contents

  1. Create musical visualisations using coding with Javascript
  2. The P5 coding environment
  3. How digital sound works
  4. Coding
  5. Challenges
  6. Reference